July 4, 2016


Happy (belated) July Fourth! I spent my July Fourth doing the above, but I won’t lie, I spent most of my July Fourth doing the below.



Both of my roommates/only friends in Duluth went away for the weekend and since I didn’t have anything better to do I decided to stick around Duluth and enjoy the quiet house and just relax. There was a lot of Wimbledon and Olympic Trial watching, but there was also a lot of working for MDH, doing school work, and getting other random things done. Oh and some fun reading. Even with all of that it was an enjoyable long weekend that, thankfully, felt really long.


I also did a few walks and runs and saw some Fourth of July festiveness around the neighborhood. I didn’t notice too many barbecues or parties or even hear people setting off firecrackers at night.


I went to watch the fireworks on Monday night with Mary, another intern at the hospital with me who is doing a different internship program (hers is just a dietetic internship, not a masters degree, too). We got there a little after 8pm and since fireworks in Duluth don’t start until 10:10pm we did some walking around the harbor and Canal Park.


That weird thing in the water is an old building that was built as a place to receive some type of goods (I read the sign a while ago, I don’t quite remember the details), but it never really worked out and now it’s just an abandoned sinking building in Lake Superior.

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We eventually took a seat and at that point had about an hour to wait for the fireworks. I tried so hard to get an artistic picture of this kid with his sparkler, but I couldn’t do it.


The Lift Bridge looked very nice lit up red, white, and blue and I was happy we sat on the side of the bridge we did so we had a view of the bridge and the fireworks. We would have had a somewhat better view of the fireworks on the other side of the bridge, but it was worth it for a true Duluth experience.


The fireworks lasted about 20 minutes or so and then we got to head home to be at work at 7:30am!

July 4, 2016

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